Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Washington-Oregon-California all in a day.

Well we have had a very busy week and accomplished mucho. I loved being back in Pullman especially with all the college kids gone. What a sweet, pretty little town and the surrounding farms are drop dead gorgeous this time of year. I could have stopped and taken tons of photos with all the beautiful colors and rolling wheat fields with carefully placed old barns. I am sad I do not have one to post but we were rushed to return to Gig Harbor to check our mailbox one last time before leaving again. Our intentions were to leave on Sunday for San Diego but when we woke it was one of those days in WA that no one can resist. We were also just plain tuckered out so we took the day off. I think it reached 85 and we had dinner overlooking the harbor at Anthonys. Perfect...We have the sweetest friend in Ingerlise that welcomed us dog, cat and all into her home and let us simply breathe. I love her friendship and hope she is always a part of my life.
Today we woke to gray skies and upon returning from another great Canterwood walk, it began to rain. Definitely made leaving easier except for my man complaining about his newly washed car! You should see it after 13 hrs on the road..we could barely see thru all the bugs on the windshield. Our poor Westy has done a wonderful job transporting us we figure about 11,000 miles since Jan. Its time to give him some time off when we reach San Diego for sure. Our dear friend Ridgely, the train man, passed away last week and he will be greatly missed. I hope Janiece is able to find her way without him because you have never met two people more in love.
We are feeling pretty excited about the house our friend found for us to rent in Minnesota. Its on the chain of lakes on Lake Darling and it sounds wonderful. We will be there 8/9 until 9/8 and plan to be on the water as much as possible. I keep watching the classifieds for a sunfish to play around on. Hopefully we will have a home when this rental is finished...that is my daily prayer.

I did just buy one of those neck pillows you see goofus carrying around in airports,. After this much time in a car and my numerous naps I decided to give my neck a break. I am here to tell you they work and are actually quite useful.
Here I have my cute model Grace demonstrating how useful it is to even her! Her poor little head gets so heavy while we are driving...
We are in Stockton in a not so nice hotel for the night and off to SoCal in the morning. Thanks for dropping by...

1 comment:

  1. Hay, you must have made it to SD by now.....safe travels, I can't believe I missed you! You two are going to win the "best traveled" award for 2011!! xoxo
