Monday, July 11, 2011

road tripping

The other day we went out exploring the area and attended a very small arts festival. The volunteer firemen had a raffle and bbq in a beautiful park on a creek. How crazy that both of us have now won something ( wine bag and cutting board) from their raffle. I am not feeling so lucky at the moment but yea us no matter what!
 There is a ranch half way between Lake Almanor and Susanville that absolutely takes my breath away its so beautiful. It should be in a Hallmark movie or something it is so perfect and peaceful. We also came upon a few abandon buildings and I couldn't resist capturing them on film. What is their history and why were they left lonely and forgotten?
 Yesterday I drove to Reno to drop Tim off at the airport and to meet a cousin I have not seen in at least 50 years. Our grandmothers were sisters and Karen was very close to mine since she had never met hers. I had the best time visiting with her and finding out about the history of that side of our family. She is researching the ancestry and I did learn something very cool. One of our relatives is part owner of Coors in Golden CO and from my grandmothers siblings there were over 50 first cousins. Geez louise!!! We have agreed to share photos and info with each other and who knows what we will find!

I 'borrowed' a board on the ground from this shack and hope to use it on our garden railway...its aged to perfection and has rusty nails and dried moss to embellish. Love it!
The weather seems to be cooling down but feels just right to me. Business is slow however in the campground and Frosty and the only thing we can think of is the economy is keeping families at home this summer. The lakes have never been so high and everywhere you look is lush green with sprinkles of wildflowers.

I mentioned the mosquitoes have been enjoying me~ I woke up with a 2 inch swollen bite on my forehead yesterday we think was a spider bite. Now the swelling is dropping into my eyes and I look puffy/squinty. A few days ago I stepped into the tub to wash my feet and slipped. I fell backwards landing on the floor with my head hitting the toilet and my arm hitting the vanity. So now I have purple bruises and a puffy forehead and eyes. I am thinking my mojo has taken a walk and left me hanging in the wind.Its been a good weekend and I have enjoyed seeing more of the area and reconnecting with Karen.

Thanks for dropping by.

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