Saturday, July 16, 2011

round and round we go.

So today I got nothing...threw out the last idea and had them put me back on the Frosty schedule. Cinnamon rolls sales are down so I might as well stay and work the crowds. Seriously thinking about living the RV life and going campground to campground seeing the good ol USA. Too bad Jerry isn't considering it with me.. a tad difficult to do on my own. There is a camper couple staying here that showed up with a Chinook RV which is not that big. On top they have two beautiful kayaks, on the back a tandem bike and two single bikes, on the front a Vespa and we heard they towed a boat. I am impressed and envious all in one passerby package. I was a bit turned off when he changed campsites because he couldn't get reception. Either you are embracing nature and living the life or you are hooked to technology and cant leave home. Cant do both and be respected...but again I wish it was me looking so cool.
Yesterday we drove to a town next to Paradise to visit old friends. I just couldnt live in Paradise because I am pretty sure everyone would envision something beautiful, tropical and soul soothing. This is just another nothingtoospecial town in the mountains and totally unable to live up to its name. The coolest thing happened on the way home though...two spotted baby fawns and I am talking very young, were running full speed next to our car. We were blown away how fast they could go and feel confident our State Farm deer whistle kept them from turning in front of us. We are staying with State Farm Ins people so I felt it appropriate to say their gadget really works. I hope so anyway~

This photo is from our hike the other day and I added it so you would have something beautiful to look at as I say adios and thanks for dropping by.


  1. Wow, I have never heard of a deer whistle....great idea.
    So are you staying put or is plan F gonna happen?

  2. I will see if my friend has one for you. We are leaving in the morning for Eugene. Heading to Pullman via Gig Harbor. I think this might be plan C-.
    I told our realtor its 5 months this week since our offer and if they cant get it done this week we have had enough. I was kind of working the tough love get off the pot theory. Her reply was I understand your frustration and I wish you both well. Hmmmm....not exactly the response I was hoping for. AGH!!!!

  3. there must be nothing in it for her! Good luck and keep me posted. xoxo
