Sunday, July 3, 2011

What's new from Lake Almanor California!!

I am sure you have been wondering what happened to me and I will tell you. No internet. I forget how 'hooked' I am on internet until I am forced to go days without it. Right now Jerry and I are sitting outside the B and B looking at the lake and borrowing their wireless.  Nature and technology all in one...

I am including a photo of the cabin we are so fortunate to live in for the next week or so. Notice how nicely the Westy is blending in.. Our friends have so much going on here we feel guilty we don't know how to help them more. I did make dinner last night and had them come sit on the deck under the stars. A beautiful evening for sure but wish the mosquitoes had not found me quite so tasty.

Yesterday Jerry got a taste of running a campground and I think any chances of us doing so in the future were eliminated. He helped a family back their rented RV into a site and then when it would not reach the power they insisted he provide the necessary extension. They refused to move the RV so it would be in range because then it would not be level. We have done extensive camping over the years and never has it been the campground's problem if we didn't reach power or water or were not level. Some people just seem to think they are special and deserve to be taken care of.

As I mentioned earlier Gracie has been having a rough time alone and I felt like I had finally gotten her to relax a bit. So when we arrived at the cabin I kenneled her so we could go to the grocery store. Lake=Beer=munchies! Well I guess she absolutely went over the deep end with fear and here is the result. I am not pleased at all but I guess she simply had to get out at any cost.

I am not sure what we will be doing for the 4th of July but there seem to be several festivities going on.
 Yesterday we went to the Firemens Pancake Breakfast and it was delicious! We could not believe how many showed up for it. Yea firemen!  Jerry was looking forward to the big breakfast and I was looking forward to the firemen serving me!  We both came away happy! Just always have had a soft spot for those good looking men....or is it the big trucks?!

Seems like a great time to take a hike around the lake and see all the sights. Wishing you all a wonderful 4th of July and grateful hearts to be an American. I know I am~
Thanks for dropping in!

1 comment:

  1. What a fun place for you to land! Looks great. I'm so sorry about Gracie, she must really be confused about all the traveling. Poor baby.
    How long before you go to LQ? Do you get to work at the resort too?
