Monday, August 1, 2011

On the road again...

When we arrived in Fallbrook I felt like I could not do another day in a car. After driving thru LA I remembered all too clearly why I hate it so. The traffic is terrible and people constantly pull right in front of you forcing you to slam on the brakes. I had neatly stored our stuff and by the time we arrived it had all slid fwd into a big jumbled mess. Buster pretty much says it all for how we felt that day.
We spent 5 days with Janiece helping her around the house and mainly just trying to keep her busy so she wouldnt be so sad. Its funny when you reach a certain age people say 'oh well he lived a good life' when you pass on. However when you are left behind it only seems unfair because you dont feel like you are finished loving that person regardless of age. Janiece says she doesnt want to live without him but the next minute she is laughing. It was a surreal time to experience someone else's deepest sorrow so closely. This is the second summer in a row I have done this with a dear friend and I only come away sad and yet feeling relieved its not me. I don't know how one finds the strength to continue on but somehow you do.

We parked the Westy and put the pod on the top of the Explorer, bikes on the back and loaded it up yesterday. I have the most difficult time deciding what I/we will need for 5-6 weeks on the road. We were neatly packed in when I reminded Jerry I had left things in MN from our last visit and we needed some spare room. Out came the golf clubs and I just know he will be sorry about that decision. I feel badly but at the same time worry about our return.

We received a call from our ditzy realtor on Friday telling us that the bank has agreed to sell us the La Quinta house. While I will admit I relish the idea of having a home again, neither of us got excited about it.  Maybe because its been so long since I have seen the house it no longer seems related to our future.
I also think we were silently hoping we would get to MN and a wonderful opportunity would arise for us there. We both know this house is a great deal and we do like LQ its just been a really long road with a few too many bumps to feel happy. On the other hand its a wonderful neighborhood and I know we will love living there.  I am sorry for my honesty after constantly complaining about being homeless for so long...the other thing is the bank is insisting it close during our rental in Alexandria. After waiting for almost 6 months on them it seems only fair we can finish out the month on our rental. Its not an easy deal for us to fly/drive back to sign papers when we have pets with us. Not sure how we will work this out but hopefully someone  will have a plan.

We got a late start this morning after we both had sleepless in Fallbrook nights. It was 100 degrees at 600 pm as we pulled into the La Quinta (pet owners standard chain) hotel in St George Utah.
Buster hugging the AC!
I must say this is the nicest one ever and its clean and doesnt even smell bad yet! Some of the hotels we stay at I worry the sheets are even clean. I am pretty sure 90% of the people staying here have dogs and are out walking the grounds. Utah has to be one of the prettiest states with the red mountains and craggy hillsides. I love the stark white temple in town with the red mtns behind it. A while ago the boys and I stopped here in our RV and Timothy and I rode our bikes to the temple to check it out. They invited us in to listen to their beliefs and tell us about the church. Seems kind of crazy now but at the time we loved being brave enough to care. Every road that's traveled teaches something new...


  1. I for one am really stoked the LQ house finally came through, though I totally understand your weary feelings. It'll be good to spend August in Minne. and not spend that hot hot time moving into the desert. September will not be much better, but it's less sweat time overall, haha. This is coming from a guy who is melting in 86˚ in Eastern Washington, uff da

  2. LOVE the Buster pictures!
    Travel safe and know you have a home now : )
