Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Three weeks to go!

Row faster mom!
 I thought this month long stay would satisfy our missing the lake life in Alexandria. It has only increased our desire to be here more. I am a bit upset we cannot find a cheap boat to use for the month because I love cruising the chain more than anything.
Loon and her baby!
I finally took Grace for a spin in the inflatable yacht but I am not going to arms were killing me on the way back! Jerry ran into a friend from home that he grew up with and they graciously invited us for a sunset cruise. Best day ever!

We came home to a dock guest!!

Our summer 'cottage' and yard from the lake. Still cannot believe we 'live' here!
We are having a small dinner party tonight with old friends and its a gorgeous day on the lake. Time is flying by and I so wish it would slow down. I went to happy hour and a movie( I highly recommend you see The Help)  with a girlfriend last night. I cannot remember the last time I did that and it was great fun. Driving back to our house thru a very quiet downtown I felt like I had returned home. I do not feel that way anywhere else we return so it really makes me wish for more.
I simply had to include a shot of Buster on vacation. This is his usual spot but he does change windows occasionally. I think he may like it here a bit too much from the relaxed lounging he seems to have embraced!
We are not sure where we stand with the La Quinta house. We have never had such a dumb realtor before and its truly taking any joy out of buying this house. Its an endless list of repeated requests and nothing but hassles for us. I dont recommend buying a short sale because they say by the time you get the house you no longer want it. I believe them now. Time for a deep breath and remember to simply enjoy the day!    I think the deck and a cold brew are calling my name!                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

1 comment:

  1. Hi, love the posts, sorry I've been too busy to respond much. I love all the photos, it really is beautiful there. I can see why you'd like to stay.
    I hope it all works out with the LQ house, I know you'll love it again once you get in and make it your own. Plus the season will be changing and the weather will start getting really nice there.
    Keep on posting!
