Saturday, August 13, 2011

here fishy fishy...

This is Grace and me ankle deep at the end of the dock....dressed!
I have not fished since we left Minnesota 12 years ago but the lake has been calling my name so I am back in the game. I caught my first fish within 15 minutes of casting and felt pretty darn excited. There will not be a photo for two reasons...I was in my pjs and the fish was really small.  One of the things I love about being on the lakes here is that you really can fish in your pjs and there is no one around to care.
My man has become weary of me calling "Honey could you help me?" every time a sunny decides to get hooked up with me. So yesterday we went to Fleet Farm (MN man heaven) to find some gloves so I can remove my own damn fish. I am showing you my glove although I have yet to put it to use...I find myself trying to wind up my hook faster than the sunnies swim so that I dont have to touch them.  I don't see much of a future for me in fishing if I dont man up soon.
This is what it looks like in this store aisle after aisle...seriously how do you decide which lure, do-hicky, gadget is going to attract the most fish?!? I find myself wandering aimlessly saying "oh this one is pretty' but I seriously doubt the fish say the same.

On another fish topic...Grace. She had the opportunity to roll where a fish had been laying and loved it. "Wow this smells awesome..I need to smell just like it!"
I do not care how innocent she tries to look she is so busted the moment she enters the room let alone sits on my lap. Good thing I have the really large bottle of dog shampoo because I have a feeling this roll wont be the last. Darn it!  
We are off to ride the rails on our bikes today...they have paved where the train tracks use to be so you can go for miles without dealing with cars or traffic. Sounds perfect to me! Thanks for dropping by.

Honest mom its not me!!

1 comment:

  1. Hahahah you are so adorable fishing, lady!!
    I knew in my mind the dogs would get into the dead fish if you were living there, it definitely comes with the territory. Pretty sure Chessie & Chloe got some pretty regular baths during the summer, hah
    Glad you guys are bonding & having a great time
