Sunday, August 21, 2011

Lake life and Springfield reunion!

 With views of the lake like this I cant stop inviting all my favorite people over for dinner!

We have truly been enjoying the lake life with the exception of NO BOAT! I begged Jerry to call on a little aluminum boat/trailer/motor for sale. Anything to get me on the water and thru the bridges into all new territory. Unfortunately someone else is riding around in it and I am still yelling at people floating by to please take me with. May have to blow up the yacht some more tomorrow and start paddling.  I am looking forward to a day by the water after being in farm country all weekend!

This is the house that helped raise my man into someone wonderful.

In front of high school!
We just returned from our wonderful weekend in Springfield celebrating my man's 45th reunion. Best part for me was listening to all the classmates stories about how wonderful is was to grow up in their town. I also loved that we rode our bikes all thru town and simply remembered our past visits and he shared his memories with me the outsider.  I was taken back by how everyone knew everyone else and you simply went out your door to hook up with all of your friends. They all worked where they could find a need and most of them were somehow related.
I made new friends and tried to blend as best I could and also give Jerry time to just be a kid from Springfield.
The saddest part of the reunion was listening to all their stories about how alive and active the town use to be and seeing it now. Its a ghost town in comparison with very few stores or businesses struggling to get by. I wonder if in our technological progress we have overlooked the most important factor in raising our families. Being a community and everyone caring about each other and knowing each other's names. I sometimes feel so sad that we can't go back and recapture the essence of our childhoods and families.
I just love this photo of a corn field...its what you see everywhere you look in the midwest. Beautiful and healthy and alive.
We rode our bikes to the airport to see a classmate with an airplane and I couldn't resist this. I am telling you there is a corn field embracing every inch of the town and its wonderful! I love Minnesota and always will.


  1. What a great time! I love the little house Jerry grew up in.
    Is that lasagna on you plates there?

  2. Oh my gosh Janet you are amazing! Yes it is lasagna! I wish you and Neal could fly out here and visit us...

  3. I'm glad that Far got to go back for the reunion. Seems like he really loved it. I, too, think about the fact that so much has been lost from the smaller towns and simpler life, particularly when I listen to Dad talk about Springfield's heyday. Everything in our world is constantly changing though, so it's hard to hold on to or recapture the past.
