Wednesday, August 31, 2011

a small treasure

I found this sweet little plate yesterday and could not resist...only $4.00 and we were intrigued by the stamp on the back. "Made in Occupied Japan" So my sweet plate had the great fortune of coming home with us where I googled it. I found out from the end of WW II 1945 until 1952 when Japan signed a treaty everything they sent to the USA had to say Occupied Japan. Interesting fact huh?! Of course with all the destruction and horrific events that came from the war I am surprised we imported anything from Japan at all. 

Last night Jerry caught a lovely foot long walleye which is one of my favorite fish to eat. Sweet white flakey meat without the fishy taste. Gracie was so darn excited to see it on his lure she fell into the lake! My man let it go however so I will never know just how delicious it might have been. Gracie either. What a goofball!

 Speaking of goofballs Gracie has enlisted Buster to help her watch for squirrel/chipmunk crossings. Buster tends to break for naps a lot sooner so we are thinking he just might be a bit brighter. We wont tell Gracie though! :^>


  1. Interestingly, I am watching a movie for my Foreign Film class called "Late Spring" which is from 1949, and there are so many positive references to Western/American culture, celebrities, historical figures, etc, I found it very interesting given the recent post-war timing. It doesn't seem like it's propaganda, though I suppose that could be part of it.

  2. I forgot to mention, it is a Japanese movie, hence the surprise. Very pretty plate.

  3. That is interesting and seems to go along with our history of helping to rebuild countries we were just at war with. We spoke to a lady in Germany that said they loved Americans for helping rebuild their town after WWII. All the more reason war is so damn ridiculous if after all the lives lost you pretend it never happened.

  4. You should really watch the movie "Joyeaux Noël," it is the epitome of this concept (where all the soldiers become friends on Xmas, but have to continue fighting each other).
