Monday, August 29, 2011

This is the week that was.

Well the time has come for us to find out if we did indeed get the house in La Quinta. This has been the most stressful and unpleasant housing experience we have ever been thru. We will drink champagne this week to celebrate being homeowners or simply because all the idiots we have had to deal with will be out of our lives. Once we arrived in Minnesota and began living on a beautiful lake we started having second thoughts about if we even wanted to get the house. Last week we had one of those heart to heart talks and decided as much as we are enjoying the lake life we would also enjoy the desert life. It will soon be the time of year when the evenings are balmy and we could sit outside by our lit pool and listen to our waterfall slide into the pool below. I will have pots of freshly planted flowers and fruit trees scenting the air. The golf club would just be getting going and perfect weather for us to be out together. Timothy will be living close by and mostly we will be surrounded by all our treasures. You get the picture. Well as of Friday 'the idiots' are saying because we changed lenders over a month ago we have blown the deal. The house is suppose to go into foreclosure on Wed. and we will no longer be part of its future. I cannot sleep at night because I want nothing more than to go home. I want more than anything to sleep in my own bed something I have not been able to do for over nine months. That would be heaven to me right now. If we do not get the LQ house we have no where to go and at least a month or two of looking again in front of us. That thought makes me cry...I also feel so sad that we have become jokes in our boys eyes with all this indecision. I guess the thing about our age is you become so afraid of making a mistake you cant make a decision at all. It starts to feel like you no longer have the time left to fix a wrong.

We are definitely feeling autumn in the air as September approaches us. The squirrels and chipmunks have become frantic trying to load up their stashes of nuts for winter. We all know who else has become nuts.....
This has become Gracie's position while in the house watching the squirrels run past her windows.
The unfortunate thing is when she gets outside she has no idea where she saw them and runs in circles jumping up at trees. Its not her finest hour for sure. She has also ruined fishing for me because as soon as I cast she cries and wants to catch my bobber to the point of trying to get in the lake. At first it was cute but now it is simply taking all the fun out of my fishing time. Speaking of man caught one SOOOO big yesterday it fought him like crazy until it snapped his line and took off lure and all. Wish we could have captured a photo at least because he says it was REALLY big!

 I was in a store this week and saw this school supply list and it brought back so many memories.
I couldn't wait to get this lovely list so we could get going on what each boy needed and begin the 'back-to-school' rituals. Checking off boxes for three different classes... New backpacks, new shoes and socks, and of course a few new outfits and bigger jackets and then all of these supplies to round it out. I can still remember the smells of new crayon boxes and how excited the boys were to begin again after a summer on the lake. I was always so hopeful this was the year they would shine, have a wonderful teacher and be happy with lots of friends.  Doesn't seem like a lot to wish for but for some reason rarely came true for all three. Life itself is the biggest lesson and you can only hope the bumps make you stronger.
Thanks for dropping by.


  1. Jeez! What a run around you have had over this house!!! Sorry that you lost it after deciding you really wanted it. I do believe it was not meant to be and the one that is meant to be will show itself soon.
    I HATE the back to school lists and all it does is bring back sad memories of end of summer! I could never stand all the back to school shopping and smell of autumn in the air. I loved having my kids home for summer and would have been perfectly happy to have it linger on another month or so.
    Funny, we felt so different about it.
    Keep me posted on what's next on the adventure.....remember, Neal and I would gladly change places with you. This is a wonderful time for you and Jerry to rediscover yourselves and see the country side.

  2. Oh no Janet! We are identical cousins how can we be so different on this?! I think you would have been the perfect homeschool mom and I do find myself envious of the choices those parents have.
    We have not lost the house definitely until Wed. but its not looking good. There has obviously been negative mojo on this place...I kind of feel my sadness over the loss is more about still not having a home. I am a lover of the comfort a home offers me and you simply must try this lifestyle in order to understand. We have made it into something unforgettable and I am thankful for that. Any news on your life? I think of you often wondering...
